spectre, 2014
Leaving behind my former faith and my family in the southeast, I moved to New Mexico for graduate studies in hopes to place myself into a completely different context and myriad of cultures. It was a time of transition, sifting, and immersion in an unfamiliar terrain with an ever present sun. During those first months, I took to the roads, looking without seeking, traversing a topography distinctly it's own yet not without the symbols and structures I'd once parted with. Steeples like beacons, gates below crosses, and stained glass obscuring the outside world from within. Pausing at each threshold in reverence of doubt, considering what I could never see or know, with no need for proof beyond breathing. These silhouettes are stilled by the act of photographing, unable to proceed or regress from the liminal moment in which they are captured. Maintaining the hesitance of return amid the peaceful presence of what is. 

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